Welcome to the Home Page of the George VI Study Group of the British North America Philatelic Society (BNAPS). BNAPS encourages research into all aspects of Canadian and pre-confederation British North America philately with more than twenty specialist Study Groups currently active within the society.
The George VI Study Group objectives are to expand and make more widely available the body of philatelic knowledge and postal history relating to postage stamps issued and used in Canada and Newfoundland during the reign of King George VI (1937-52). Follow the link to Research to read about selected Study Group activities.
The George VI Study Group currently publishes "The Post & Mail" newsletter three to four times per year. Follow the link to The Post & Mail page to view selected copies.
The George VI Study Group is always interested in learning of specialized items of King George VI - Canada postage stamps that you may have in your collection or of which you may be aware. You are encouraged to send us a message about such items...
... and even more so, you are encouraged to join BNAPS and the George VI Study Group which gives you full access to the body of philatelic knowledge being assembled by the Study Group.